An apology

Sorrows lie deeper
in a more secret place
as creeping dark fears
sudden nocturnal bat’s
premitive cries
colonies from down the cave
and were wolves eyes
gazing shadows, like despair rise
at night at day at twilight and
in those dreamy mid summer nights
sorrows lie so deep, that
deep there no lullabies reach
heart colds out, whispers blow
no sleep, no dark blue sleep
there they are awake awake in me foreever
sorrows lie so deep
that deep there no sorrows are sorrows at all
the one inevitable vanishing point
chasing me chasing wherever i go
here there and far beyond i know
like secrets of the secrets
like edge of all the edges
there among all those voids
holds a flower-leaf
a careful warm carving of a tear for you
for you.
